People can be rude and offensive. Once you wrap your mind around how rude people can truly be, it becomes easier to pull yourself out of the hurt and frustration when it happens to you. What motivates people to operate in rudeness? How can someone continually operate in negativity? I’ve come up with a few thoughts and a few solutions.
First, past hurt causes people to be angry. I mean, just down right rude and bitter. I believe we each have good in us and we each have bad in us. Those who tap into the bad more often have been affected by poor life experiences that have caused them to act out in more negative ways. Sometimes people who are negative and rude, have functioned this way for years. Years. They have no idea how to shift themselves to a place of contentment. They’re numb. It’s their normal. Until they are fed up with the outcomes of their interactions and relationships they will continue to spew negativity when other’s enter their space.
Secondly, unaccomplished dreams. Let me say that again. Unaccomplished dreams that you, with your talented self have been able to…well, accomplish. They can’t figure out for the life of them how you’ve been able to get it done. Your successes have left them feeling confused and inadequate. Replaying missed opportunities, frustrated with their unproductive days and inability to tap into resources that could’ve helped to clarify their purpose.
Lastly, your potential is a threat. People see in you what you don’t see in yourself. Your drive. Your passion. Your charisma. It oozes out of you like freshly made slime in a 2nd grade science classroom. There is nothing you can do about your “potential”. You can’t put a lid on it. You can’t cover it up. You wear it. People see it and they will become intimidated by it. You will be labeled aggressive, too direct, or a trouble-maker all in the name of your potential.
So what do you do with that? Well, I’m glad you asked! I think it’s important to understand the catalyst, so that you are better prepared for the conversation. Look. The reality is offenses will occur. People will be rude. People will be unwelcoming. There will be those who operate out of bitterness. They will slander your name. What will you do when you are disappointed? How will you handle the offense? What will set you apart from others?
Yeap, you could definitely go off and give someone a piece of your mind! However, what happens if you are in a professional setting? What if you value the relationship? What if it is a close relative or a childhood friend?
What if someone hadn’t realized how much they’ve been affected by their own missed opportunities until they witness you doing “big things”? Walking into your purpose, starting your business, embracing a career change, opening yourself up for a new love. What if a friend had not realized she was operating in negativity until you had the courage to bring it to her attention. You actually took the time to have the conversation. What if you could offer information, resources or a lead that feeds someone’s potential and nourish their purpose?
Today I want to encourage you to prepare yourself for disappointment. Prepare to be offended. Not because you are a target (although this may be true, too) but because people are people. People sit in different spaces throughout different periods of their lives. People have been hurt. Life gets hard. Opportunities are missed. Resources are lacking. Regrets exist.
Let’s shift the narrative from “cutting people off” to operating more out of “compassion”. Everyone is not disposable. Take time to gain an understanding. Practice forgiveness and invest in others. You are always a piece to someone else’s puzzle. How you handle others when you are under pressure, when you have been offended is a true test of your character. The journey is not always going to feel good but it will always be necessary. It’s necessary for your growth. It’s necessary in order for you to receive abundance. It’s necessary for your alignment.
Stay Courageous, Gentle Souls. Always Stay Courageous.
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