
Welcome 2019! I’m excited that a new year is here. It is time for a fresh start, new beginnings and a clean slate. I am sure you had time to come up with your new year resolutions. Maybe you even tested out one or two of...

Dear black girl, you are very strong but life is hard and it has left you feeling weary, feeling very weak. Dear black girl, so vocal, so opinionated but life and its stereotypes of the “angry black woman” have made you afraid speak. Hey, my black girl. Yes, you! Educated. Intelligent. You...

People can be rude and offensive. Once you wrap your mind around how rude people can truly be, it becomes easier to pull yourself out of the hurt and frustration when it happens to you. What motivates people to operate in rudeness? How can someone...

As a child I would hear adults in conversation and certain phrases would stand out to me-one in particular was “It’s the principle of the matter”. I remember paying close attention to the pitch in their voices, the tone and the wrinkles in their foreheads;...

When I’m asked why, I sit silently and reflect on my “why not”. In this lifetime I’ve learned to refrain myself from hasty responses and come to appreciate the power of reflection. My “why not” entails many challenges that I’ve had to encounter but it...